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Eidolon Wyrm
Eidolon Wyrm
TypeBurrowing Enemy
AI TypeEidolon Wyrm AI
Max Life160,000 / 320,000
KB Resist100%
Immune toCrush DepthConfused
BannerEidolon Wyrm Juvenile BannerEidolon Wyrm Juvenile Banner
Not to be confused with the superboss, Adult Eidolon Wyrm.

The Eidolon Wyrm (Japanese: 若い幽霊リヴァイアサン Wakai yūrei rivu~aiasan) is a mini boss that spawns in the 3rd and 4th layers of the Abyss and are also summoned from the Adult Eidolon Wyrm during its first four phases. It is initially passive and will not attempt to hurt the player. However, if the player deals damage to it, it will become hostile and attack the player with contact damage or magic projectiles.


Eidolon Wyrm Head
Eidolon Wyrm Head
TypeBurrowing Enemy
AI TypeEidolon Wyrm AI
Damage170 / 340 (Contact)
160 / 240 (Ice Mist, Lightning)
Max Life160,000 / 320,000
KB Resist100%
Vulnerable to:Fire (element)Stab (element)Unholy (element)
Resistant to:Dark (element)Slash (element)Magic (element)Water (element)Cold (element)Machine (element)
Eidolon Wyrm Body
Eidolon Wyrm Body
TypeBurrowing Enemy
AI TypeEidolon Wyrm AI
Max Life160,000 / 320,000
KB Resist100%
Vulnerable to:Fire (element)Stab (element)Unholy (element)
Resistant to:Dark (element)Slash (element)Magic (element)Water (element)Cold (element)Machine (element)
Eidolon Wyrm Tail
Eidolon Wyrm Tail
TypeBurrowing Enemy
AI TypeEidolon Wyrm AI
Max Life160,000 / 320,000
KB Resist100%
Vulnerable to:Fire (element)Stab (element)Unholy (element)
Resistant to:Dark (element)Slash (element)Magic (element)Water (element)Cold (element)Machine (element)


The Eidolon Wyrm spawns in the third and fourth layers of the Abyss at any point in the game. Its roar will alert the player that it is nearby and is hunting them. Once hostile, it will chase the player until either it or the player is killed. It will summon balls of ice which fire ice shards in every direction, and summon orbs that unleash streaks of lightning at the player. It also possesses telekinetic abilities which allow it to yank the player towards its head, accompanied by a loud sound and a burst of blue sparks.

The Eidolon Wyrm is an aerial worm-like enemy with 42 segments in total. Its body and tail segments can neither take damage nor deal contact damage. It is initially passive until it has been struck or if the player has the Chaos State debuff, and also if the Adult Eidolon Wyrm is alive. When hostile, it screams and actively chases the player similarly to a Wyvern. The player is inflicted with Crush Depth for 5 seconds upon contact with the head. Every five seconds, it randomly performs one of three attacks:

  • Fires an Ice MistIce Mist at the player, which inflicts Chilled for 3 seconds and Frozen for 1.5 seconds..
  • Fires a Lightning OrbLightning Orb at the head's location which fires lightning bolts at the player. Lightning bolts inflict Electrified for 2 seconds.
  • Creates a cloud of harmless blue dust around the player which strongly pushes the player in the direction opposite to their current movement.


  • If the Adult Eidolon Wyrm is alive, the damage of Ice Mists and Lightning increase from 160 / 240 to 400 / 600.
  • The body segments of Eidolon Wyrms are intangible, dealing no damage to the player and having complete immunity to attacks. Only their heads are capable of dealing or receiving damage.
  • Being affected by Chaos State causes any living Eidolon Wyrms, to instantly discover the player and begin attacking.
  • The Eidolon Wyrm can be detected with the Lifeform Analyzer.
  • It can home in on players, even when not hostile. However, they don't deal contact damage when passive.


  • An eidolon in Greek Literature is a spirit-like image of a person, either living or dead.
  • Their ice and lightning attacks are similar to those performed by the Lunatic Cultist. As well as "Eidolon" being a term used to describe something idolized (potentially in the fashion of a cult), further establishes a connection between these enemies.
    • They may also be related to the Eidolist, as they have similar names and both spawn in the Abyss.
  • Its design is based on a creature from the aquatic exploration game Subnautica, known as the Ghost Leviathan. The original sprite was also a copy of the Ghost Leviathan's design.
    • The different life-stages makes this more evident because there are both juvenile and adult Ghost Leviathans.
    • The Adult versions of both creatures share the similar purpose of preventing the player from doing something (Adult Ghost Leviathans protect the crater edge, while the Adult Eidolon Wyrm prevents the player from using the Rod of Discord or other short ranged teleportation items).